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Post Impressionism- The Paintings of Cezanne, Gauguin and van Gogh - Alice Foster

Further details of this day together with a booking form will be available nearer the date

Please note this is on WEDNESDAY 21st February not Thursday as in the paper programme.

Cezanne, van Gogh and Gauguin are so often described as “impressionists” but in terms of technique and style they have little in common with that famous movement. The irony is that all three were dead by the time ‘Post Impressionism’ was coined and it was the attempt of an English critic, Roger Fry, to bring their work to Britain in 1910 that gave them this definition. Fry saw in the work of all three men a new pictorial language that made no attempt to copy the natural world, but to create an equivalent for it. They were not a cohesive movement, but in their different ways provided a platform for the next generation of artists to develop a pictorial language suitable for the complexities of the twentieth century.

Alice has lectured for Oxford University Department of Continuing Education since 1998. She lectures regularly at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and at the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock. Her busy freelance career includes organising History of Art study days with colleagues, and regular weekly classes in Oxfordshire and Worcestershire. In 2004 Alice joined The Arts Society and has lectured in Britain and in Europe. Since 2003 Alice has been a tutor on study holidays. In 2010 she was elected President of Banbury Fine Arts Society.

2 November

The Paintings and Conservation Roadshow. Sarah Cove.

3 October

Art of Art Deco - Pamela Campbell-Johnston