Arts & heritage volunteers

The Arts Society Gloucestershire no longer supports a Young Arts group of its own.

The Arts Society Heritage Volunteers help to conserve our heritage both in Britain and in parts of Europe. Conservation and preservation of our heritage are tremendous burdens on the limited resources of museums, National Trust properties, historic houses, libraries and gardens. Volunteers help them in non-specialist but vital ways by caring for collections, recording documents, guiding and stewarding. Heritage Volunteers help to keep them accessible for all.

This Society does not have a heritage volunteer group.

Church recorders

Church Recorders are The Arts Society volunteers who make records of the contents of our national churches, thereby promoting the recognition and preservation of the rich artistic heritage to be found in places of worship of all religions. The items are described in detail and their history researched. All the material is then compiled into a book illustrated with photographs and drawings. This is presented to the church and copies are sent to national institutions. This Society does not have a Church Recorder group but we received a message from Canon Michael Banks in April 2016 advising that The Northleach Arts Society had asked him to lead the Society's Church Recorders and will be recording Northleach Church.

Canon Banks invites any of our members to join their group. If interested, please contact him via email on