Join us

The Arts Society Gloucestershire has a membership of a maximum of 300 people and is always pleased to welcome new members. We currently have a short waiting list and anyone wanting to join is likely only to have to wait until the annual renewal date in November before they will be invited to do so.

Sign up

Sign up to become a member

Full members

Membership renewal letters and forms are sent to existing members in September.  The cut-off date for renewal  is a date in October which will be advised in the letter. The current annual membership subscription for 2021/22 is £52 for an individual and £100 for a couple.

During November, members will receive an envelope containing the new programme, membership cards and the Chairman's letter together with any other information about forthcoming events. Further information is sent out during the year with details about organised visits, days of special interest, tours etc as they occur. Members can usually bring a guest to any of the lectures, but they should check with the Membership Secretary (email as below) or the Chairman beforehand. Occasionally, if we anticipate a great number of members are going to attend, we have to reserve the right to turn down non-members. The hall is only insured for a limited number of visitors. The charge for bringing a guest is £10.

New members

Membership application letters, together with forms and other information on the Society, are sent out in September/October as places become available. The new programme, Chairmans letter, membership card and information about any forthcoming events will be sent to new members at the same time as the current membership receive theirs, or as soon as payment has been received, if later. An invitation to attend a new members’ lunch after a lecture will be issued  by the Chairman in the new year. 

Waiting list members

In order to add your own name or that of a friend to the waiting list, please submit as much detail as possible including full name, address, contact telephone number and email address (if applicable) and should be sent for the attention of the Membership Secretary by email (details below). Your request will be acknowledged. There is no charge to add your name to the waiting list.

If you are interested to learn more about the Society or would like to join us as a member or bring a guest to a lecture please contact us by email on