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Riveria Paradise: Art, Design and Pleasure in the 1920s - Mary Alexander

Since the C19 English high society had 'wintered over' on the Côte d'Azur, but always left by April. In the early 1920s, however, an intoxicating mix of artists, writers, musicians and international visitors, inspired by a mythological seascape of luminous colours, created a new summer season. Sun tans and sportswear soon became 'de rigueur' in the chic new coastal resorts, villas and hotels. This liberating playground of ideas across the visual design arts was stimulated by impresarios Serge Diaghilev and Paul Poiret. Traditional boundaries were torn down. Matisse, Picasso, Dufy, Cocteau, and Chanel merged the worlds of fashion, theatre and interiors. Cole Porter, Scott Fitzgerald, and the intriguing Gerald and Sara Murphy, introduced an American perspective and attracted an influential new set of discerning patrons and collectors. We will 'time travel' to meet them.

Mary Alexander trained as an art historian and graduated with a B.A. Hons. in History & History of Art (University College London) and later an M.A. (with Distinction) in History of Art (University College London).

She moved to Manchester to take up the post of Assistant Curator at Platt Hall, the Gallery of English Costume, a renowned collection of historic dress. Subsequently she lectured in art history at the University of Leeds, the Open University and Manchester University Extra Mural Department. From 1995 - 2008, she was a Visiting Lecturer at Christie’s Education in London.

Mary has also combined academic work with the world of design consultancy. In 1985 she joined Pentagram Design in London, a leading international design consultancy, and coordinated client presentations, publications, conferences and international special events, including the 1986 British Design event in Aspen Colorado. In 1988 she transferred to Pentagram’s New York office with the task of organising an international design conference  held at Stanford University involving business, design and education leaders.

As an experienced international speaker, Mary lectures regularly for The Arts Society throughout the UK, Europe and Australia and New Zealand. She also contributes articles to magazines, newspapers and professional journals.  She was President of The Arts Society Glaven Valley, Norfolk from 2016- 2021.

13 June

Gemstones, Crystals and a Bushel of Pearls: Bejewelling this Sceptred Isle - Ann Haworth

10 October

Of Meissen Men: The Birth of European Porcelain - Lars Tharp