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Virtual Vatican Tour

Stuart Harvey will lead us on a virtual/guided tour of: 


An unforgettable journey to explore the highlights of the vast Vatican Museums collection, with a focus on the spectacular frescoes of Michelangelo Buonarroti and others in the Sistine Chapel. The professional Rome tourist guide, Stuart Harvey, takes us on a virtual stroll through the corridors and rooms to see the ancient classical statues that influenced renaissance and later artists. Also, intricate roman mosaics, magnificent tapestries and frescoes by Raphael, that decorate the private rooms of the 16th century Popes. We will end our journey in the Sistine Chapel, where Popes are elected. He will examine in depth Michelangelo’s famous Creation frescoes and the magnificent Last Judgement. Stuart has 30 years’ experience as a History and Art Communicator. He has lived in Rome since 2003 and is a qualified Guida Turistica Abilitata della Provincia di Roma (2010).

19 September

Hill Towns of Umbria