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Corsham Court

This visit will be made in your own transport
Any COVID restrictions/requirements must be met

Corsham Court, a Royal Manor in the days of the Saxon Kings and home of the Methuen family, is based on an Elizabethan house dating from 1582. In the picture gallery designed by Capability Brown there is a fine collection of Old Master paintings. Surrounding the Court are the stunning gardens and parkland designed by Capability Brown and a lake completed by Humphry Repton.

We have arranged a private visit for our Society.

We are invited to park close to the Court and may leave our vehicles there if we wish to visit the town following the tour.
There will be no refreshments offered during this visit.
Numbers are very limited so please book early.

The cost of this visit £14. 

2 March

Virtual Visit to Sculpture Park, South Africa

18 May

Kelmscott Manor